This was originally meant to be the fourth episode of the show. The episode was scrapped because I wasn't proud of how it was turning out. It was eventually revisited, rewritten, and finally released as the sixth episode.
The cover art for Slitherin' Simon was designed by Dylan.
The shot of the screensaver was recycled from the second episode: Cowabunga, Dudes!
The gag of the screen breaking whenever someone breaks the fourth wall is something I've wanted to incorporate into my content for a long time.
Chole originally wasn't supposed to appear in this episode, but Dylan eventually wrote a part of the episode incorporating Chole, and I thought it was so funny I just had to include it.
Chole shouting "ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG!!!" and exploding is a reference to the Demented Cartoon Movie.
This is the first major role of Jamm, Matt's brother.
The scene with Matt and Jamm looking at animation software was originally meant to be about them looking at cellphones. This idea was dropped because I grew to hate how it was written.
The scene with Cindy and Teresa was animated twice. The second time was because that scene was rewritten, Cindy's dialogue was rerecorded completely, and plastering the new audio on the old animation just wasn't gonna cut it.